Silencer Shop Podcast
Silencer Shop Podcast
An American Sniper & Silencer Entrepreneur: Evan Green
In this episode, you’ll learn all about one of your favorite suppressor companies - Griffin Armament - their experience with suppressors and what to expect from the industry in the years to come. Meet Evan Green, one of the owners of Griffin Armament. He and his brother Austin are both former army snipers using their military background to meet the needs of gun owners across the country. Evan says, “Being outside your comfort zone is a blessing and a curse.” What led these two elite veterans to break out of their comfort zones?
What started in Wales, WI in 2004 has grown to be a commercial success, an armament company selling nationally and changing the industry. The brothers’ interest in firearms and suppressors began in childhood. Growing up as homeschooled brothers in the Midwest, they devoured books on WWII, Vietnam, and biographies on famous snipers. They also knew some people who had silencers; Evan said it was life-changing the first time he used one, compared to the first time you ride a motorcycle or go climbing. Later they used silencers in the military, having competed for two sniper slots among sixty others. Evan and Austin got both of the openings.
More importantly, how did they get into the suppressor business? While still in the service, Austin recognized the suppressor market was steadily growing in the early ’00s, and he wanted in. At first, he juggled both and found it extremely difficult. The first several years of the business were spent researching, with very little research already out there to build on. Austin’s research became simply trial and error. Batch after batch failed, wasting time and money. Looking back, Evan sees it as character building, not wasted effort at all.
What were the biggest hurdles of beginning their own business? Not working with your brother! Evan says that’s been great: “He is a super believer [in the business]. I like it a lot.” And how are they navigating the suppressor business after the 2020 boom? We don’t want to give away all the details. Listen in to find out more!