Silencer Shop Podcast
Silencer Shop Podcast
Episode 03 Owning a Gun Store In a Liberal City Featuring Michael Cargill
If you could see patriotism in someone’s veins, Michael Cargill’s blood would show red, white, and blue. Deep in the heart of Texas, we visited Michael of Central Texas Gun Works. This unassuming shop sits centrally located and provides everything from classes to gun sales. Celebrating his 10th year since opening CenTex, Michael has a lot of experience under his belt (his belt, by the way, usually holds a huge, incredible silver buckle that’s arguably the size of Texas).
But there’s more than just a buckle on his belt, there are notches of experience too, and it starts in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida where Michael was born and raised. After completing school, he went on to join the United States Army where his home was more nomadic during his 12 years of service. That is, until he landed a job in Austin, Texas. And after a few jobs as a civilian, he went on to open up Central Texas Gun Works.
But what facilitated such a career move? A devastating experience to a family member. After that, Michael decided to take action by educating and teaching his family self defense, gun safety, firearms laws, and shooting. The exposure grew quickly from there. What was once just training his family in his living room grew to neighbors and friends and an overbooked conference room. It was then he began his journey of setting up his own shop.
In this episode, you’ll learn all about what makes Michael tick. You’ll hear just how passionate he is about firearms education and protecting our constitutional rights. He also talks about being the first gun shop to accept cryptocurrencies for gun sales.
It’s no secret that Michael Cargill is a 2A champion and true patriot through and through. Listen in to hear more!